The reason I've been quiet....
Some of you may wonder why Vintage Elephant has been so quiet the last month or so.
1. I've been travelling back and forth to Pretoria and only coming home for weekends
2. I've been going through some really personal work stuff
3. And last but not least 3. My mother passed away very suddenly at the age of 48 on 10 February.
My life has been truly turned upside down the past month. I've been making big decisions that in a way really scare me, but they have/had to be made.
I've truly learned the true meaning of family and friends, without any of them I would have not come this far. I've also learned that life is really so precious and in a blink of an eye your whole life could change.
I sat by my mother's side while life was slipping from her. I begged God not to take her and I whispered in her ear not to leave me alone in this world. But alas she fought a good fight the last few hours and then she was gone.
I stood by her side as she died. I saw her monitor go a complete blank {like in the movies} and the nurse told me that it was over. I couldn't believe it. I lost my mother. I lost the person that gave me life. I lost the person who made me the woman I am today. I am broken by the fact that I will never hear her laugh again. I will never hug or kiss her again. I cannot pick up a phone to ask her way my cake dough is not right. I just can't do anything anymore.....
Valentines day is the day of red roses, cards and kisses, but for me it now holds a new meaning, the day I buried my mother. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful service. And I am sure she would have approved.
So as I sit here and tell you my story I can only tell you but a few words:
Go drink that coffee with a friend, give a hug to that person that desperately needs it, take that photo today, because tomorrow might be too late.
I leave you with these last words:
God didn't promise
days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,
but He did promise
strength for
the day,
comfort for
the tears,
& light for
the way.
Rest safe in the arms of Jesus!! xoxox